The Chaplains' Toolbox is a webpage designed to pull together resources for the events of the half-term (January/February 2019), helping Chaplains to plan ahead and innovate. |
Jesuit Pupil Profile Focus |

The Jesuit Pupil Profile focus for this half-term is Eloquent & Truthful.
JPP Eloquent & Truthful resources
The Jesuit Pupil Profile
Jesuit Liturgical Calendar |

Epiphany Mass for the start of term
3rd - Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus (This is the titular feast day of the Society of Jesus and, in 2019, the 400th anniversary of the foundation of the British Jesuit Province)
6th - Feast of the Epiphany
18th - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (to 25th)
19th - Jesuit Martyrs of the Reformation in Europe
25th - Feast of the Conversion of St Paul |
2nd - Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord (Candlemas)
4th - Jesuit Martyrs of the Missions
6th - Jesuit Martyrs of Japan
Ash Wednesday is on 6th March 2019
National & International Awareness Days |
16th - RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch (to 30th)
23rd - Chinese New Year (4710 - the Year of the Dragon)
23rd - National Handwriting Day
23rd - Cancertalk week (to 27th)
27th - Holocaust Memorial Day
30th - National Storytelling Week (to 6th February) |
4th - World Cancer Day
7th - Safer Internet Day
8th - Go Green Week (to 13th)
20th - Student Volunteering Week
25th - Fairtrade Fortnight (to 10th March) |
Jesuit Institute Programme
Programme |
10-11 January 2019
Shared Vision 1
Hinsley Hall, Leeds
14 January
Day Conference for Directors of Music
St John's Beaumont, Old Windsor
30 January - 2 February
Chaplains' Conference
Manresa, Spain
8 February
Stepping Stones Retreat
Kairos Centre, London
27 February - 1 March
Heads' Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark
In Case You Missed It |
Religious Education Web (RelEdWeb)
Charles Beach's monthly list of online resources for RE teaching. Some of these resources are useful for assemblies also.
RelEdWeb January 2019

Red Chair Project (La Silla Roja)
An empty red chair placed in schools and classrooms symbolizes the 58 million children who currently do not have access to quality education. This serves as a powerful starting point for working on the topic further with students of all ages. This project was started in a Jesuit school in northern Spain and now Educate Magis would like to share this project with Jesuit schools all over the world.
Red Chair Project Blog (you need to belong to the EducateMagis website to access this link)