A Model for School Chaplaincy (JIM01)
Christ the Teacher - An Icon for Jesuit Schools (JIM02)
An Introduction to the Mass (JIM03 and SVi/3)
A Model for Understanding the Identity and Mission of a Jesuit School (JIM04)
Our Way of Proceeding in Education: The Ratio Studiorum (JIM07) by Gabriel Codina SJ
AMDG to LDS - An Overview of Jesuit Education (JIM08)
Positive Behaviour in Jesuit Schools (JIM09) by Adrian Porter SJ
Appointing a Head Teacher for a Jesuit School (JIM11) by Adrian Porter SJ
Governing a Jesuit School: An Introduction for New Governors (and School Leaders) (JIM12)
Cura Personalis (JIM13) by Peter-Hans Kolvenbach SJ
Guidance on the Use of the School Chapel (JIM15)
For the Greater Glory of God and the More Universal Good (JIM16) by Rowan Williams
Jesus the Humble Leader (JIM17) by Andrew Gordon-Brown
What Magis Really Means and Why It Matters (JIM18) by Bart Geger SJ
The Big Assembly (JIM20) by Pope Benedict XVI
Lay-Led Liturgy - A Guide to Developing Liturgy in Schools (JIM21)
Celebrating Liturgy with Children (inlcuding the Directory on Masses with Children) (JIM22)
Music for the Liturgy - A Guide for Schools (JIM23) by Adrian Porter SJ
Consciousness Examen (JIM25) by George Aschenbrenner SJ
Using the Examen (JIM26) by Joseph Tetlow SJ
Eucharistic Adoration: Guidance for Schools (JIM29)
If You Meet Ignatius on the Road, Kill Him! by Michael Carey (JIM30)
Catholicism at a Glance (SVi/1) by Adrian Porter SJ
Catholic Schools and a Catholic Way of Seeing the World (SVi/2) by Chris Richardson
Why Young Adults Need Ignatian Spirituality (SVi/4) by Timothy Muldoon
The Classroom as Holy Ground (SVi/5) by Kevin O'Brien SJ |