Academic Mass (beginning of the new school year)
Advent (assembly and RE resources)
Aloysius Gonzaga SJ (resources)
Applying to Teach in a Jesuit School (PDF)
Armistice / Remembrance day (November)
Arrupe SJ, Pedro
Ascension Day (liturgy resources)
Ash Wednesday (liturgy resources)
Bea SJ, Augustin
Bethany Mass (a November Mass for the dead)
Bible translations
Bibliography (see also Key texts)
Boards of Governors (of Jesuit schools)
Bragge, Campion's
British province Jesuit schools
Calendar, Jesuit liturgical
Campion SJ, St Edmund (resources)
Campion's bragge
Campion Hall Oxford (Jesuit Institute conference venue)
Cañas SJ, Vicente
Carol Service (liturgy resources)
Case studies homepage
Catholic schools conference
Catholic school, identity and mission
Chaplain's Toolbox 1/2 (Nov/Dec) 2/1 (Jan/Feb) 2/2 (Mar/Apr) 3/1 (Apr/May) 3/2 (Jun/Jul)
Chaplaincy, resouces for school chaplaincies
Chaplaincy Model for Jesuit Schools
Characteristics of Jesuit Education (1986)
Chevallier-Tayler, images of the life of St Ignatius
Chiszek SJ, Walter
Christ the Teacher, an icon for Jesuit schools
Christmas Carol Service (liturgy resources)
City of London, royal Jesuit college (1687)
Compassionate & Loving (JPP resources)
Conferences, Jesuit Institute
Contact the Jesuit Institute
Curriculum Directory for Religious Education (for England & Wales)
Decem rationes (of St Edmund Campion SJ)
Delegate for education, for British Jesuit Province
Directory for Masses with Children (Holy See, 1985)
Easter (assembly, RE and liturgy resources)
Education, the Characteristics of Jesuit Education (1986)
Education for justice (resources from Jesuit Missions)
Eloquent & Truthful (JPP resources)
English language summer schools
Epiphany (liturgy, assembly and RE resources)
Ethos of a Catholic School
Eucharistic ministers
Examen (resources)
Exams Prayer Card (prayer card for examination times)
Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist
Faith-filled & Hopeful (JPP resources)
Favre, St Pierre (pdf)
Former Jesuit schools in the UK
Founder's day (resources)
Francis Xavier SJ, Novena of Grace
Gonzaga SJ, St Aloysius
Governing a Jesuit School (resources)
Governors (appointment in Jesuit schools)
Henin, images of the life of St Ignatius
History of Jesuit schools
Holy Name, Feast of
Holy souls (November devotions)
Holyrood, royal Jesuit college (1687)
Homelessness sleepout (case study)
Hopeful & Faith-filled (JPP resources)
Hopkins SJ, Gerard Manley
Hurtado SJ, St Alberto
Icon of Christ the Teacher
Identity and ethos of a Catholic school
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
Ignatian Pedagogy - A Practical Approach (1993)
Ignatian schools in the UK
Ignatius Loyola SJ (resources)
Ignatius of Loyola - The Man and His Spirit (2017)
IHS monogram
Image library
Intentional & Prophetic (JPP resources)
IPP (Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm)
Jesuit Education, The Characteristics of (1986)
Jesuit identity and mission in schools - the Shared Vision programme
Jesuit IHS monogram
Jesuit Institute conferences and courses
Jesuit Institute note cards
Jesuit Institute publications
Jesuit liturgical calendar
Jesuit martyrs of England and Wales
Jesuit Missions - Education for justice programme
Jesuit portraits
Jesuit Pupil Profile (JPP resources)
Jesuit Pupil Profile - Virtue and Learning in the Ignatian Tradition (2017)
Jesuit resources (other sources)
Jesuit saints
Jesuit schools in the UK
Jesuit schools film (The Spirit of Jesuit Education, 2014)
Jesuit schools logo
Jesus the Humble Leader (monograph)
John Ogilvie SJ, St (resources)
Jurek, Cathy, images of the life of St John Ogilvie SJ (2015)
Key texts on Jesuit education
Language, English language summer schools
LDS, AMDG to LDS document
Learned & Wise (JPP resources)
Lent (resources)
Life of Ignatius (pdf booklet)
Life of Ignatius (Chevallier-Tayler images)
Life of Ignatius (Henin images)
Life of Ignatius (Rubens images)
Life of Ignatius (de Tejada images)
Lists of the dead (November Lists)
Liturgical calendar, Jesuit
Liturgy homepage
Logo for Jesuit schools
Loving & Compassionate (JPP resources)
Loyola SJ, St Ignatius (resources)
de Lubac SJ, Henri
Manvi, project (case study)
Maréchal template (charism of Catholic schools)
Martyrs, Jesuit martyrs of England and Wales
Marylebone, Jesuit school
Mass for the dead (Bethany Mass)
Mastroianni, images of the life of St John Ogilvie SJ
Mayer SJ, Blessed Rupert
de Mello, Anthony
Men and women for others (Pedro Arrupe SJ)
Ministry of teaching, renewal of commitment
Mission and identity of a Catholic school
Model for Chaplaincy in Jesuit Schools
Monographs (Jesuit Institute publications)
Name, Feast of the Holy Name (liturgy resources)
New school year (liturgy resources)
Note cards (for sale)
November lists
November Mass for the dead (Bethany Mass)
November, remembering the dead
Novena of grace in honour of St Francis Xavier SJ
Odds and ends
Ogilvie SJ, St John (resources)
Our Lady of the way
Paschal candle (liturgy resources)
Pierre Favre, St (pdf)
Prayers (texts for schools)
Privacy policy (for this website)
Pro SJ, Bl Miguel
Project Manvi (case study)
Prophetic & Intentional (JPP resources)
Provincial visitation (dates and guidance)
Publications, Jesuit Institute
Pupil profile, Jesuit (JPP)
Quiet Drum, The (2015) - the life of St John Ogilvie SJ
Rationes decem (of St Edmund Campion SJ)
Readings (resources for assembly and liturgy)
Relatio incacerationis, of St John Ogilvie SJ (1615)
Remembrance / Armistice day (November)
Remembering the dead (November)
Renewal of commitment to the ministry of teaching
Rio International Congress (2017)
Rio Papers
Rite of commissioning special ministers of the eucharist
Rubens, images of the life of St Ignatius
Saints, Jesuit
Santa Maria della Strada
Savoy, royal Jesuit college (1687)
School chaplaincy (resources)
School governors
Scripture translations
Shared Vision programme
de Smet SJ, Jean-Pierre
Special ministers of the eucharist (resources and rite of commissioning)
Spirit of Jesuit Education, The (film 2014)
Summer schools (English language summer schools in UK Jesuit schools)
Teaching and learning in the Jesuit tradition (Ignatian Pedagogy)
Teilhard de Chardin SJ, Pierre
Tejada, images of the life of St Ignatius
Tenebrae (passiontide liturgy)
Texts and readings
Three Kings / Wise Men (resources for Epiphany)
Translations of Scripture (for liturgical/catechetical use in UK schools)
Truthful & Eloquent (JPP resources)
UK Jesuit schools
Valete (resources)
Versions of Scripture (for liturgical/catechetical use in UK schools)
Visitation (provincial visitation dates and guidance)
Welcoming new teachers
Wise & Learned (JPP resources)
Xavier SJ, St Francis, Novena of Grace
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