Chaplains' Toolbox
Term 1/2 (November/December 2018)

The Chaplains' Toolbox is a webpage designed to pull together resources for the events of the half-term (November/December 2018), helping Chaplains plan ahead and innovate.

Jesuit Pupil Profile Focus

The Jesuit Pupil Profile focus for this half-term is Faith-filled & Hopeful.

JPP Faith-filled & Hopeful resources
The Jesuit Pupil Profile



November is the month of the Holy Souls when Catholics remember their dead, "those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith." Inviting people to complete November Lists and then placing them on or before the altar and remembering all those listed in prayer each day this month is a Catholic tradition.

Many schools will hold a Bethany Mass this month for families to remember and pray for their dead.

Armistice Day (this year the centenary of the end of the Great War) and Remembrance Sunday fall on the same day this year, Sunday 11th November. Most day schools will mark the Armistice anniversary on Friday 9th or Monday 12th November 2018.
Resources for Armistice/Remembrance

1st November - All Saints Day

2nd November - All Souls Day

5th November - All Saints of the Society of Jesus

11th November - Armistice Day/Remembrance Sunday

13th November - St Stanislaus Kostka sj

25th November - Feast of Christ the King

26th November - Feast of St John Berchmans sj (patron of St John's Beaumont)


The Church's new year and the season of Advent begins on Sunday 2nd December 2018.

1st December - Campion Day (the feast of Saints Edmund Campion sj, Robert Southwell sj, and all the English and Welsh Jesuit martyrs; this is the patronal feast day of the British Jesuit Province and should be marked in all its schools).

2nd December - Advent begins

4th December - Feast of St Francis Xavier sj

8th Deceber - Feast of the Immaculate Conception (patron of Mount St Mary's College)

Resources to help prepare your Carol Service.

Resources to help prepare the Epiphany Mass for the beginning of next term.

National & International Awareness Days


5th - Guy Fawkes Day

11th - Interfaith Week

12th - National Anti-Bullying Week

20th - Universal Children's Day

24th - National Tree Week

30th - Computer Security Day


1st - World Aids Day

3rd - International Day of Persons with Disabilties

11th - International Mountain Day

In Case You Missed It


Red Chair Project (La Silla Roja)

An empty red chair placed in schools and classrooms symbolizes the 58 million children who currently do not have access to quality education. This serves as a powerful starting point for working on the topic further with students of all ages. This project was started in a Jesuit school in northern Spain and now Educate Magis would like to share this project with Jesuit schools all over the world. 

Red Chair Project Blog (you need to belong to the EducateMagis website to access this link)

Eucharistic Adoration

Adoremus, the National Eucharistic Congress in September 2018 in Liverpool, has encouraged a return to eucharistic adoration in parishes and schools.

Eucharistic Adoration: A Guide for Schools (Jesuit Institute)

The CTS has just published the new Book of Eucharistic Adoration - this contains the official rite of adoration and benediction, prayers, readings and resources for eucharistic devotion.

Book of Eucharistic Devotions (CTS)

St Oscar Romero

Oscar Romero was canonized on 14th October 2018. CAFOD has produced some good resources for primary schools (but which could also be used in the lower secondary years).

Oscar Romero resources (CAFOD)
Oscar Romero animation (Romero Trust) 4m 16s

Rio 2017

It is a year since the world meeting of Jesuit schools in Rio in October 2017. All Jesuit schools were invited to incorporate the 13 action points of the congress into their developement planning for the next five years. How is your school doing?

The Rio Papers

World Network of Jesuit Schools

The map of the world network of Jesuit schools has been updated.

World Network of Jesuit Schools Map (you need to belong to the EducateMagis website to access this link)